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#46 Focus on THESE 3 THINGS and forget everything else

Do you feel like your identity is keeping you stuck where you are? How are you supposed to pivot when it feels like you’re leaving part of you behind? Let’s talk about this and more in this companion episode

In the last episode of The Global Phenomenon podcast, we interviewed Sue B Zimmerman, the instagram expert, and she left behind some clues of her success that you can start implementing right away. 


In this companion episode I will teach you how to grow your business by FOCUSING on what is important and leaving everything else behind.

In this episode we also answer the following listener questions:

  1. “Which did you have first: a podcast or a YouTube channel, why did you do it that way round? Do you feel you should have done one before the other? If you could do it again what would you do differently?” — Lindsey Fairhurst at
  2. “Which platform or platforms should I be on? The foundation of my business is around Instagram. I have Tiktok and YouTube as well but I don’t post as much on them. It’s hard to manage multiple platforms and I don’t want to waste my time, however I am afraid that I’ll put all my effort into Instagram, build a successful account and then in like 10 years Instagram will be ghosted! What’s the best strategy to set myself up now for long term success?” — By Dear Lola @dearlolamagazine

Submit a question here and it will be featured in a future episode!


  • Visit Sue B Zimmerman’s website at
  • Follow Sue on Instagram at @theinstagramexpert


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