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"Every time you say you don't want to inconvenience anyone, you are feeding the patriarchy."
"This book got me to 30% profitablity from one year to the next."
"She's making $400K per MONTH, while doing everything WRONG!"
"If you are not accomplishing goals, and you're interpreting it to mean that you're just not working hard enough, you are almost certainly wrong that that is the reason you're not accomplishing things."
"When you get diagnosed as an adult, it’s like you missed orientation."
"Your success isn’t measured by the size of your audience but by the strength of your impact."
"SEO is the most important thing."
"Watch what they're doing, and learn from it. Don't dwell because they're doing better than you."
"I'm really exhausted and if I really ask myself and dig deep, am I really happy?"