If you’ve ever said “Build it and they will come” about your own products and services, maybe it’s time to re-learn what you know. In the latest episode of The Global Phenomenon, Rachel Miller from Moolah Marketer tells us about her philosophy on growing audiences, and we extracted the 3 things she’s doing very right in her business and YOU should start doing right now!
In this episode we also answer the following listener questions:
- “As coaches, we find it easy to help our clients with their issues but if we have the same challenges , it seems that we find difficult to apply our own advise. Why the double standard?” — Sabrina Drou from sabrinadroucoaching.com
- “What was the single best thing you did in your business that transformed everything for you – aside from start that is – what was that 1 thing that ‘clicked’ things into place and you could see your path so much clearer?” — Susan Scollen at susanscollen.com
Submit a question here and it will be featured in a future episode!
- Check out Rachel Miller’s Moolah Marketer’s website at moolah.life
- Join the Grow Your Audience Facebook Group
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