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#38 How to be vulnerable online

When it comes to displaying vulnerability in your business, it can seem intimidating. After all, getting people to know your true self may seem like it’s not even business related! How do we display vulnerability in our businesses?


Our guest from the last episode of The Global Phenomenon, Lauren Eliz Love, has mastered the art of vulnerability in her online business. In her interview she shared that being vulnerable is something she deems essential, but doesn’t come naturally.


In this companion episode I’m going to answer some of your questions and tell you about 3 things that Lauren Eliz Love is doing VERY RIGHT in her business, and YOU should start doing right now, even if you’re starting out!

In this episode we also answer the following listener questions:

  1. “I’m launching enrollment for my first membership course, My plan is to get a group of founding members test it out on them for 3 months and relaunch bigger and better with their feedback. Is there anything you wish you knew before you launched or things I should be mindful of as I start.” — Amber Benziger from
  2. “I created a group program and I have 2 people signed up. I was disappointed at first (I planned to get 10), but I plan to make the most of it. It feels a bit weird for me, because they came into the program under the assumption that it was a GROUP coaching program and in reality it’s just 2. How should I approach this?” — Anonymous

Submit a question here and it will be featured in a future episode!



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