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#25 Getting paid for being yourself with Laura F**king Belgray

What happens when you stop trying to please everyone and simply follow your own desires? That is pretty much the definition of Laura Belgray’s entire career. If you have ever wondered what it’s like to create the exact life and business you want, you might gain a ton of inspiration from someone who marches to the beat of her own drum naturally and without any hesitation. In this interview, Laura tells us about growing up in New York City in a literary household and hoping that the right job would just fall on her lap. She had no roadmap and no plan. The way her life unfolded was as much a surprise to her as anyone else. Here are the lessons from someone who refused to compromise her values in any part of her life.

Listen through the end for Laura Belgray’s answer to these two questions:

  1. What is the biggest misconception that people have about you as a successful entrepreneur, and
  2. What is the ONE THING you want the world to do in the next 24 hours to dramatically improve their lives

And check out the resources and links below!



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