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#2 How to grow a podcast FAST (3 things I learned from John Lee Dumas)

In the latest episode of The Global Phenomenon, John Lee Dumas broke down what it really took for him to start a lifestyle business that would allow him to donate 6-figure checks to charity.

We would all love to have that life, wouldn’t we?

So in this companion lesson episode I will teach you 3 things that JLD is doing VERY RIGHT in his business, and you can start applying right away.

One of them is his secret formula to growing his podcast astronomically fast.

The trick is so simple, yet so challenging to keep up over time, that very few have ever attempted it.

Listen carefully and enjoy the episode!

In this episode we also answer the following listener questions:

  1. “Is it better to offer a product that answers the question your audience is asking or the question you know they should be asking? For example, I work with homeschool parents. They always ask what curriculum to choose and how to schedule their days. I know from experience that those things are details. What they really should be asking is how to inspire curiosity in their children and make learning engaging and fun so that their children want to learn. Then, the curriculum and schedule is secondary and not as important because their children are actively pursuing learning. I’m afraid if I talk about inspiring curiosity people feel like they aren’t ready for that yet, though, since they are bogged down in the details.” — From Jennifer Pearson at confidentlyhomeschool.com
  2. “Creating what you want is all about belief and taking action – what tools (mindset or otherwise) do you use to ensure you ‘stay in your own lane’ especially when there’s a lot of noise around you.” — From Susan Scollen at susanscollen.com

Submit a question here and it will be featured in a future episode!

John Lee Dumas - Ina Coveney - The Global Phenomenon



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