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#1 From law school dropout to self-made millionaire with John Lee Dumas

Talking to JLD is a delight every single time because he doesn’t take ANY BS.

He has a clear view of the world, which has opened up the path for him and his future, and there is no other way to go but up.

But did you know that he jumped from job to job, city to city, and even dropped out of law school?

Furthermore, did you know he was on the Price is Right?? Weirdly enough, that’s the second person I know personally who won a major prize on that show… which I find insane.

But there’s only one thing that has helped him have the kind of success he has had.

Listen for the clues his success has left behind for us to learn from. YOU could be standing in his shoes a few short years from now.

And don’t forget to come back in the next episode where I will teach you 3 things JLD is doing RIGHT in his business, and YOU can adopt RIGHT NOW, even if you are starting out and you don’t have a team yet.

Listen through the end for JLD’s answer to these two questions:

  1. What is the biggest misconception that people have about you as a successful entrepreneur, and
  2. What is the ONE THING you want the world to do in the next 24 hours to dramatically improve their lives

And check out the resources and links below!



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