Does life have a nagging habit of getting in the way of your perfect day? Maybe you wake up every day with full uncertainty of what the day will bring: maybe one of your kids is sick, maybe the water heater broke overnight flooding your basement, or maybe your sister is having another heartbreak crisis that is up to you to nurse for 2 hours while you were supposed to be creating content for your launch.
Does this sound familiar?
In a way… these interruptions are par for the course. They happen to EVERYONE, not just you!
So how do we turn uncertainty into a blessing and a gift, rather than that pesky copilot you can’t fire from your well thought-out plane?
In this episode, we’ll tackle UNCERTAINTY and how to turn it into a force for GOOD rather than seeing it as the one obstacle you have no control over.
And on this episode, our focus will be on: 3 reframes that will make you UNDERSTAND and EMBRACE uncertainty in your life and in your business.

Browse our easy-to-follow courses to step into your Super Human journey: email marketing, mindset and entrepreneurship!