Have you been thinking of a career change? Supermodel Emme knows a thing or two about pivoting in a major way.
In this companion episode to our interview with supermodel Emme for The Global Phenomenon Podcast, we learned how she has made pivoting a way of life, and now she’s trying her hand at life coaching.
And if you are just starting your business and considering a career change, you will want to hear my take on these 3 things that Emme is doing very very right in her new pivot as a life coach.
We also answer some listener questions and a special surprise you won’t want to miss!
In this episode we also answer the following listener questions:
- “Did you ever feel being plus size positively or negatively impacted your romantic relationships?” — From Farrah Blakely at farrahblakely.com
- “When it comes to being visible online, what tips do you have for managing your energy so that you can show up consistently? In other words, what should we do (if anything) when we don’t “feel like it” or it’s feeling forced?” — From Arijana, at elevatevirtual.com
Submit a question here and it will be featured in a future episode!
- Read more about Emme on her website
- Read the New York Times article about Emme’s journey
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