I just completed the 7th successful launch of my program called GET CLIENTS FIRST, even though I haven’t grown my audience significantly since the last launch. That statement should break your brain a little bit, especially since the common perception is that you need to continuously grow your audience in order to sell the same product, so that you’re not pitching to the same people over and over again.
If that’s true, then how have I been able to get clients from the same small audience, every 2 months consistently? If you’ve been following me for a little bit, you know that all I talk about is how to get clients with a small audience. So actually, this phenomenon that is getting clients consistently is not news to me. In fact, the actual process of getting clients is getting a bit… underwhelming. Because once you know what to do, things just work!
In this episode I want to bring you over to my way of thinking. I want to open your eyes to how getting clients with a small audience actually works, and get you on your way to revenue and profits this year!
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