100 Episodes. Wow. The Global Phenomenon podcast has seen some of the most influential coaches in the world walk right through: Pat Flynn, Lisa Johnson, Laura Belgray, John Lee Dumas, Rachel Miller, Kate Northrup, Sue B Zimmerman.
I hope you’ll go back and listen to your favorite coach’s stories in this podcast, but today, we’ll do something different.
I invited my client, Carla Santamaria, the First Gen Coach @carlathefirstgencoach, to interview me RIGHT HERE. I gave her carte blanche, and told her there was no door she couldn’t walk through. So on this interview, I let down my guard and talked about ending my last podcast at 100 episodes and what’s different with this one.
I shared about my journey to hire a team for the first time, what is the big WHY that keeps me going and showing up every day, and I get on my soap box about the most important mindset shifts that online coaches should be making in order to find success in their businesses.
Also, I tell you what Taylor Swift’s parents have to do with my vision for the future (weird, right?) and I also open up about the irrational fear that has kept me playing small for years (I wonder if you feel it too).
I’m really excited to share this really intimate space with you.

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